Frequently asked questions

A few questions that we get asked. If you have more then get in touch we’d love to hear form you.

No. Using our service only depends on the credit rating of the invoice receiver. It will therefore not affect the credit rating of your company when you get financing.

No. The process is easy and straightforward. You decide for yourself if you want to use our service for one invoice only or more – the cost and process for each invoice are the same. It’s all online, no paperwork is required, no binding, long term contracts, no need for a special IT set-up and no surety is required. There is no financial interrogation involved and you do not have to present your accounts. Just upload your invoice together with a few other details and we will give you a quick answer.

No. Unlike other finance providers, Fellow Pay benefits the buyer and seller simultaneously. The buyer gets up to 60 days extra to pay while the supplier gets paid now. The supplier will be paid for the invoice, solving the immediate cash need for the both of you in one go. That is a clear win/win.

Most finance providers do not have a good setup to service smaller and maybe less creditworthy SMEs. But we have. If the invoice receiver (your customer) is creditworthy, we will provide the financing to you and give them 60 days to pay.

We only credit check the invoice receiver. We do not look at the invoice issuer. If the invoice receiver is not creditworthy you can try applying with an invoice from another of your customers.